Friday, January 30, 2015


With one CHILD your golden, especially if you have help (available husband, parents, family, friends anything really).  You think you have a hard time in certain areas but you really don't even know what hard is.  With #2, this is when it Starts to get hard.  You wonder why you feel like your loosing you mind.  You thought "I have experience, why is this so much harder".  Those parents who decide to take the plunge for #3 are Brave, very BRAVE! I think by the time #4 comes things probably start to calm down a bit because #1 is able to help and #1 maybe #2 are in school so you have more time to focus on the baby.  Wow focus on the baby, you haven't been able to do that sense #1!  If your one of the families who reach #5 your probably thinking _ _ _ _!!!! I'm still on #2 and honestly not planning to take that crazy plunge for #3 or at least not until I can comprehend the definition of sleep again.   Sleep... oh how I miss sleep! I haven't slept for more than 4 hours in over a year and on avg I'm lucky to get two hours at once.  I'm not talking about waking up after 2-4 hours to use the bathroom in a half sleep daze just to crawl back into your slumber.  I'm talking about waking in your zombie state to a child in need, nursing for an hour, changing a wet bed and starting laundry at 2 a.m. Speaking of sleep I'm celebrating my youngest taking her first TWO HOUR nap today! Thats right, TWO HOURs! I almost didn't know what to do with my self but my toddler took care of that issue.  

I love my children and they are the biggest Blessing life has to offer and the biggest test life has.  Enjoy your children and the first years because they go quickly and the reality is you won't remember most of the crazy moments but you cherish the little things that made your heart smile! 

Anyways I'm thinking the kids, husband, and I should go out to a family dinner! 


  1. 1 Timothy 5:21
    21 I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism.

  2. Favoritism is sinful The hardest thing I have forgiven my parents for it took half of my life.We can take quality time with each one but if be conscious of favoritism .Just like the 99 sheep you may have to leave the others to save one They may not understand at the time but saving the one is more important and they may understand some day If asked to choose I could never choose one over the other & I dont think you could eater
